Constructioner WebTechnology 2.9.9 [old system]

From August 2009 the old proprietary Constructioner WebTechnology 2.* system has been discontinued. A very last key-free version 2.9.9 can be downloaded (please read also all further information below). Light Edition and Personal Edition can be also upgraded to this key-free Professional Edition. In that case verify your "Access Profiles" in the back office after upgrading for security.

Upgrade to CX?

Because of the total new software architecture, the new Constructioner CX software ( is not compatible with the old 2.* version. Therefore upgrading from the old to the new system is not possible.

URL/Key change requests

Upgrade to the very last version 2.9.9 and you can use the old software without a Public Access license key. URL/Key change requests are no longer necessary at all.

Support for old version

Customers who bought a key of the old system within the last year (August 2008 or later) will be supported from Artware as hitherto on a voluntary basis free of charge. Customers with elder keys can buy support. Support for the old system will be discontinued end of 2010.

Switching to the very last key-free version

Applications using the old system Constructioner WebTechnology 2.8 or 2.9 (Professional, Personal or Light Edition) can be upgraded as follows:

  1. Make a backup of your current application (database dump and a backup copy of all files and folders).
  2. Download and unzip the very last 2.9.9 version.
  3. Restore all files and folders except the upload folder and the file at your remote directory.
  4. If necessary recreate adequate writing and reading permission to all files and folders.
  5. Upgrading a Personal or Light Edition: For security reasons verify your "Access Profiles" in the back office after upgrading.

Back office access data forgotten

Ask our support for a 'user rescue' file.


See also